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Frequently Asked Questions

 Who can rent Kiwanis Camp Patterson? e

Area nonprofit organizations with an emphasis of serving youth campers can rent Kiwanis Camp Patterson.  Most groups rent the camp for one week a time.  Shorter rentals may be available. The Camp can also be rented by other groups for shorter retreats, corporate meetings, etc.  Because of the popularity of this facility, availability is extremely limited during the peak summer weeks between mid-June and mid-August. We do not accept registrations for individual campers.  Organizations that rent the camp provide their own staff, food, and additional games and supplies necessary for their specific programming needs.  For scheduling information contact Shannon Sinning


 How do I register my child for camp? 

Registrations are handled by each organization that rents Kiwanis Camp Patterson as a venue for their youth camps.  


 Can I hold my wedding at Kiwanis Camp Patterson? 

The camp is not being rented to wedding groups at this time.    


 What does it cost to rent Kiwanis Camp Patterson? 

Rental fees are generally based on the number of campers and the number of days needed.  Contact Shannon Sinning for information

 Who manages the camp?  

Kiwanis Camp Patterson is owned and managed by the Mankato Kiwanis Club.  Nathan and Melissa Starkey are the on- site caretakers


 What is the current capacity of the camp? 

Up to 165 Campers and Staff per week


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